Otago Rail Trail Packages & Deals
Having organised Rail Trail trips since 2002 our advice will not only enhance your Otago Rail Trail experience but also make it one that you will never forget - for all the right reasons!
Let us take the hassle out of organising your Otago Rail Trail experience and all at NO extra cost to you.
We will organise your complete trip including:
- Accommodation along the trail (as well as Before & After if required)
- Bus and Train Tickets
- Luggage Transfers
- Bike Transfers
- Rental Car Hires
- Airport Pick-ups/Drop-off
Spaces are filling quickly for 2014/15 Season on this now New Zealand famous Kiwi icon.
Avoid delay and disappointment -Don't forget to book early for your 2014/15 Rail Trail Experience - so you don't miss out. CONTACT US NOW!
Save time and money – let us organise your Rail Trail experience today!!!